Empowering Accessibility – Insights from the OpenText Nordic

Empowering Accessibility – Insights from the OpenText Nordic

Empowering Accessibility – Insights from the OpenText Nordic

At the OpenText Nordic meeting in Stockholm on 15 May, Petrus Näslund gave a presentation on the upcoming implementation of the European Accessibility Act (EAA) and what changes companies should make to their documents to meet accessibility standards.

An experiment was proposed that gave a sense of the importance of accessibility standards. Participants, wearing masks over their eyes, tried to understand a document that did not meet requirements and compared it with a revised version. The results were impressive!

Our experts on the Doctricks team have been studying this issue thoroughly and are ready to help you prepare for the upcoming accessibility directive. Contact us for professional support and advice!

OpenText Nordic 2024

OpenText Nordic 2024

OpenText Nordic 2024

On May 15th, Doctricks participated in the OpenText Summit Nordics held in Stockholm, where we proudly served as gold sponsors. Our presence included a prominent booth, providing attendees with the opportunity to engage with us regarding our services.

Throughout the day, attendees were treated to a series of compelling lectures and discussions that left us collectively inspired. One particularly noteworthy theme that emerged was the growing significance of artificial intelligence (AI) and its potential applications across various products from OpenText. Implementation of AI into our document development processes holds promise for enhancing:

  • Efficient delivery of high-quality products
  • Adaptation of services to the diverse needs of customers

In addition to discussions on AI, accessibility emerged as a key focus of the summit. Our own Petrus Näslund delivered two insightful sessions on the subject, where he talked about how to implement accessible documents and what to think about when preparing for the new law called “European Accessibility Act” (EAA) that is coming into effect next year.

We extend our gratitude to all participants for contributing to the success of this event, making it a truly enriching experience.

Doctricks Women’s Days – Hanna

Doctricks Women’s Days – Hanna

Doctricks Women’s Days – Hanna

About Hanna:
I am 38 years old and came to Sweden because of russian aggression in Ukraine in 2022. I work as a graphic designer at Doctricks.

How is International Women’s Day celebrated in Ukraine compared to Sweden, and what are the key differences in their approaches?
In Ukraine, the International Women’s Day holiday is celebrated in a bright and emotional way. It is usually a day when men and colleagues express their gratitude to women. Traditionally, they give flowers and sweets. In Sweden, this holiday is also important, but it has a slightly different form – a general recognition of the role of women in society.

What are some key differences you observe in the way women’s rights are perceived and advocated for in Ukraine compared to Sweden?
In Ukraine, there has been some progress in equality, especially in the last 10 years. But, in my opinion, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed, especially in the context of cultural and historical processes. But Ukrainian society is bravely taking on the challenge and continuing to work, because it is very important to maintain and build on the progress that has been made.

I have been living in Sweden for the last two years and I am very pleased to observe the high level of equality and support of women’s rights by the Swedish society, as well as the involvement of women in political and cultural processes. The progressive nature of Swedish gender equality policy is an opportunity for other countries, including Ukraine, to follow Sweden’s example. In particular, I am referring to legislative initiatives for family and social support aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for both sexes.

In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that women still face in terms of achieving equality in Ukraine/Sweden? What are the solutions?
In today’s society in Ukraine and Sweden, despite significant progress in gender equality, women still face important challenges. One of the main aspects, in my opinion, is the internal prejudice in women’s minds. Feeling doubtful about their own abilities and rights can limit their willingness to show their strengths.

The most effective solution to this problem is to encourage women not to be afraid to explore their potential and demonstrate their expertise in various fields. The development of confidence and self-determination can be promoted by supporting special initiatives aimed at developing leadership skills among women and recognising their achievements.
Celebrating 8 March can help to reduce prejudice and raise awareness of the importance of women’s contributions in all areas of life.