OpenText Nordic 2024

OpenText Nordic 2024

OpenText Nordic 2024

Den 15e maj deltog vi på Doctricks i OpenText Summit Nordics 2024 i Stockholm, som vi stolta var guldsponsorer för i år. På mässan hade vi en egen monter som gav deltagarna och oss en möjlighet att interagera med varandra och prata om våra tjänster.

Under hela dagen bjöds deltagarna på en rad spännande föreläsningar och diskussioner som inspirerade oss. Ett populärt tema för i år var såklart betydelsen och utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) och dess potentiella tillämpningar för olika produkter från OpenText. Implementeringen av AI i våra dokumentutvecklingsprocesser kan förhoppningsvis komma att förbättra vår:

  • Effektiva leverans av högkvalitativa produkter
  • Anpassning av tjänster för de olika behoven hos kunder

Förutom diskussioner gällande AI var också accessibility (tillgänglighet) ett av de centrala fokusen under dagen. Vår alldeles egna Petrus Näslund levererade två insiktsfulla föreläsningar på ämnet, där han pratade om hur man implementerar tillgängliga dokument och vad man ska tänka på när man förbereder sig inför den nya lagen kallad ”European Accessibility Act” (EAA) som träder i kraft nästa år.

Vi vill rikta ett stort tack till alla deltagare för att de bidragit till framgången för detta evenemang. Det var en troligt berikande och inspirerande dag.

Unlock The Future: Master Digital Innovation for Business 2030

Unlock The Future: Master Digital Innovation for Business 2030

Unlock The Future: Master Digital Innovation for Business 2030

Doctricks is a sponsor to the OpenText Nordics Summit event that is taking place in Stockholm Wednesday 15 May, 2024. The event is about working smarter and becoming faster to unlock the future.

Tech’s Future

Dive into technology’s future. Interestingly, we’re now beyond the limits of place and time. Moreover, machines have taken the lead in generating information. This development, in turn, opens up new pathways for us to manage and utilize it.

Get Ready for 2030

Embark on a journey to work smarter and, simultaneously, prepare for the business landscape of 2030. Learn to blend information with automation. Consequently, this fusion introduces new digital methodologies, rules, and work practices.

Learn from Leaders

Engage with the inspiring narratives of experts and peers. As a result, you’ll gain actionable tips that can elevate your organization to new heights.

Connect with Others

Seize the opportunity to meet professionals who are navigating similar challenges. Additionally, this is the perfect setting to forge new friendships, exchange innovative ideas, and collaboratively find solutions, all in a face-to-face environment.

Gain Expert Advice

Finally, absorb the wisdom of local leaders and partners who are intimately familiar with the challenges you face daily. Thus, this represents an invaluable chance to grow and adapt in an ever-evolving business environment, equipping you for the future.


Register for the free event by clicking on the link below, the Doctricks team is looking forward to meeting you there!

Registration link

Event start








E-invoicing Day in Paris

E-invoicing Day in Paris

E-invoicing Day in Paris

Last Thursday, Doctricks AB was at the Palais Brongniart in Paris for the e-invoicing Day. The implementation of the invoicing mandate in France has been postponed to September 1, 2026. It is an opportunity to start your project right now and ensure a smooth transition period. Other countries are also concerned in a near future such as Germany, Belgium and Spain.

Jeudi dernier, Doctricks AB était au Palais Brongniart à Paris pour la Journée de la Facture Electronique. La mise en application de la Facture Electronique en France a été reportée au 1er september 2026. C’est une opportunité pour commencer votre projet dès à présent et assurer une période de transition en douceur. D’autres pays sont aussi bientôt concernés comme l’Allemagne, La Belgique, l’Espagne.

Happy Women’s Day! 

Happy Women’s Day! 

Happy Women’s Day! 

We on Doctricks want to thank you all for having followed us during this week when we talked about Women’s Day and equality in the tech industry on our site. Have you missed our recent posts? Please go to our blog and check them out! Feel free to share them as well.

We want to remind you of the importance of equality and urge you to keep working towards a more equal tech industry. Therefore, we would like you to take the opportunity to celebrate all women in your life today. Coworkers, friends, partners, mothers, sisters, daughters. They all deserve someone to recognize and celebrate them.

Doctricks Women’s Days – Hanna

Doctricks Women’s Days – Hanna

Doctricks Women’s Days – Hanna

About Hanna:
I am 38 years old and came to Sweden because of russian aggression in Ukraine in 2022. I work as a graphic designer at Doctricks.

How is International Women’s Day celebrated in Ukraine compared to Sweden, and what are the key differences in their approaches?
In Ukraine, the International Women’s Day holiday is celebrated in a bright and emotional way. It is usually a day when men and colleagues express their gratitude to women. Traditionally, they give flowers and sweets. In Sweden, this holiday is also important, but it has a slightly different form – a general recognition of the role of women in society.

What are some key differences you observe in the way women’s rights are perceived and advocated for in Ukraine compared to Sweden?
In Ukraine, there has been some progress in equality, especially in the last 10 years. But, in my opinion, there are still many challenges that need to be addressed, especially in the context of cultural and historical processes. But Ukrainian society is bravely taking on the challenge and continuing to work, because it is very important to maintain and build on the progress that has been made.

I have been living in Sweden for the last two years and I am very pleased to observe the high level of equality and support of women’s rights by the Swedish society, as well as the involvement of women in political and cultural processes. The progressive nature of Swedish gender equality policy is an opportunity for other countries, including Ukraine, to follow Sweden’s example. In particular, I am referring to legislative initiatives for family and social support aimed at ensuring equal opportunities for both sexes.

In your opinion, what are the biggest challenges that women still face in terms of achieving equality in Ukraine/Sweden? What are the solutions?
In today’s society in Ukraine and Sweden, despite significant progress in gender equality, women still face important challenges. One of the main aspects, in my opinion, is the internal prejudice in women’s minds. Feeling doubtful about their own abilities and rights can limit their willingness to show their strengths.

The most effective solution to this problem is to encourage women not to be afraid to explore their potential and demonstrate their expertise in various fields. The development of confidence and self-determination can be promoted by supporting special initiatives aimed at developing leadership skills among women and recognising their achievements.
Celebrating 8 March can help to reduce prejudice and raise awareness of the importance of women’s contributions in all areas of life.