Doctricks-teamet slutför Scrum-utbildningen! 

Doctricks-teamet slutför Scrum-utbildningen! 

Doctricks-teamet slutför Scrum-utbildningen! 

Den 21–22 oktober fick vårt team på Doctricks (Ella Söderberg, Hanna Onufriieva, Varun Vimala Gangadharan, Nicolas Blanluet Sauvage) den fantastiska möjligheten att delta i en Certified ScrumMaster (CSM) utbildning med Henrik Kniberg i Stockholm. Dessa två dagar var fyllda med värdefulla insikter, praktiska övningar och verkliga fallstudier som verkligen förklarade Scrum-ramverket för oss alla.

Utbildningen fokuserade inte bara på teori; det var en engagerande och praktisk upplevelse som utmanade vår förståelse och fördjupade vår kunskap för Agila metoder. Tack vare interaktiva workshops för att lösa verkliga affärsutmaningar med Scrum-principer, lämnade vi kursen mycket inspirerade och fulla av nya idéer för att tillämpa dessa strategier i våra projekt.

Den här erfarenheten har stärkt vårt engagemang för att främja ett samarbetsinriktat och anpassningsbart arbetssätt. Vi ser fram emot att implementera de nya strategierna vi lärt oss och fortsätta förbättra våra processer för att leverera ännu mer värde till våra kunder.

Ett stort tack till Henrik Henrik Kniberg för att ha väglett oss genom en så engagerande och transformativ resa. Vi är fulla av energi och redo att ta vårt teamwork till nästa nivå!

Happy Women’s Day! 

Happy Women’s Day! 

Happy Women’s Day! 

We on Doctricks want to thank you all for having followed us during this week when we talked about Women’s Day and equality in the tech industry on our site. Have you missed our recent posts? Please go to our blog and check them out! Feel free to share them as well.

We want to remind you of the importance of equality and urge you to keep working towards a more equal tech industry. Therefore, we would like you to take the opportunity to celebrate all women in your life today. Coworkers, friends, partners, mothers, sisters, daughters. They all deserve someone to recognize and celebrate them.

Doctricks Women’s Days – Sandrine

Doctricks Women’s Days – Sandrine

Doctricks Women’s Days – Sandrine

About Sandrine:
 My name is Sandrine, and I’m originally from France, living in Sweden since 2000. My journey into the tech world is somewhat unconventional. I studied mathematics in high school and pursued musicology and musician education in college, specializing in the harpsichord, viola da gamba, and baroque chamber music. Professionally, I transitioned from being a data analyst in the financial sector to the automotive industry, where I spent almost a decade managing customer relations. In 2017, I shifted my focus to the tech industry, became a certified SCRUM Master in 2018, graduated as a Frontend Developer in 2021, and as a UX Designer in 2022. I currently work with Doctricks as a project manager and SCRUM Master. Beyond my professional life, I enjoy spending time with my husband and our two sons, aged 19 and 21, gardening, and walking our two dogs.

What does equality mean to you, especially in your career?
Equality means recognizing everyone’s potential and ensuring fair opportunities for success, regardless of gender or background. It’s about valuing skills and achievements impartially. This belief has shaped my approach to leadership, focusing on merit and fostering an inclusive environment.

Have you faced any challenges in the tech industry as a woman?
While my journey has been largely positive, it hasn’t been without its challenges. There were moments when I had to work harder to prove my competence, overcome imposter syndrome and earn respect in spaces that felt predominantly male-oriented. However, these challenges taught me resilience and the importance of self-advocacy. Overcoming them has also reinforced my commitment to creating a supportive and bias-free workplace for my team.

How has being a woman influenced your approach as an IT project manager and SCRUM Master?
I believe that my background in music and my diverse experiences as a partner, parent, and team member have most enriched my leadership style, placing a strong emphasis on empathy, collaboration, and effective communication, more than my gender has. Similar to playing chamber music, I aim to harmonize diverse talents and perspectives to achieve our collective goals, fostering a creative and inclusive team dynamic.

Doctricks Women’s Days – Ella

Doctricks Women’s Days – Ella

Doctricks Women’s Days – Ella

About Ella:
 I am 26 years old who recently took my master’s degree in interaction technology and design. I have worked at Doctricks as an IT-consultant for the last few months.

What does equality mean for you?
Equality for me means that everyone is given the same opportunities regardless gender. Being a woman is not a disadvantage it is an advantage.

Can you share any personal experiences or observations regarding gender dynamics in the university?
During my time at university, I never felt I got mistreated because I was female. I studied a program where the gender ratio was 50/50, which is quite unique for a tech education.

However, something I noticed and know is a problem is that most tech educations is dominated by men. I do not personally think that it is on purpose, but I do think that it is an issue that needs to be handled. We need to encourage more women to take an interest in tech and show them that there is place for them as well. For example, in my year there was roughly just about 3 women out of 70 reading the computer engineering program.

What do you think can be done to enforce equality among tech educations?
I think it is important with presence. Show other women that the tech industry is a place for them as well. During my time as a student, I rarely came by other women working in tech when talking to different tech companies. We need to be better at representing equality within the tech industry and promoting a future where equality is not just the goal but also the reality.

Doctricks Women’s Days

Doctricks Women’s Days

Doctricks Women’s Days

This week at Doctricks we want to pay attention to Women’s Day which is celebrated on March 8th. As a company in the tech industry Doctricks is quite unique since the majority of the employees are female. For comparison women make up about 33% of the tech related workforce according to

What is Women’s Day?

Women’s day is celebrated around the world on March 8th. The purpose is to remind the world about the fight for gender equality and the need to address issues such as discrimination, violence and inequality women face today.

What are the core values of Women’s Day?

  • Promoting gender equality
  • Celebrating women’s achievements
  • Raising awareness of women’s rights and issues
  • Fostering inclusivity
  • Advocating for social, economic, cultural and political empowerment of women

How are Doctricks going to raise awareness about Women’s Day?

Each day of this week, we will post some interviews and facts that’s relates to the core values of Women’s Day. The interviews will be of some of our employees talking about their experience of equality from different viewpoints.