Stärka tillgängligheten – Insikter från OpenText Nordic

Stärka tillgängligheten – Insikter från OpenText Nordic

Stärka tillgängligheten – Insikter från OpenText Nordic

På OpenText Nordic-mötet i Stockholm den 15 maj höll Petrus Näslund en presentation om den kommande implementeringen av European Accessibility Act (EAA) och vilka förändringar företag bör göra i sina dokument för att uppfylla tillgänglighetsstandarder.

Ett experiment föreslogs som gav en känsla av vikten av tillgänglighetsstandarder. Deltagarna, som hade masker för ögonen, försökte förstå ett dokument som inte uppfyllde kraven och jämförde det med en reviderad version. Resultaten var imponerande!

Våra experter i Doctricks-teamet har studerat den här frågan grundligt och är redo att hjälpa dig att förbereda dig för det kommande tillgänglighetsdirektivet. Kontakta oss för professionell support och rådgivning!

OpenText Nordic 2024

OpenText Nordic 2024

OpenText Nordic 2024

Den 15e maj deltog vi på Doctricks i OpenText Summit Nordics 2024 i Stockholm, som vi stolta var guldsponsorer för i år. På mässan hade vi en egen monter som gav deltagarna och oss en möjlighet att interagera med varandra och prata om våra tjänster.

Under hela dagen bjöds deltagarna på en rad spännande föreläsningar och diskussioner som inspirerade oss. Ett populärt tema för i år var såklart betydelsen och utvecklingen av artificiell intelligens (AI) och dess potentiella tillämpningar för olika produkter från OpenText. Implementeringen av AI i våra dokumentutvecklingsprocesser kan förhoppningsvis komma att förbättra vår:

  • Effektiva leverans av högkvalitativa produkter
  • Anpassning av tjänster för de olika behoven hos kunder

Förutom diskussioner gällande AI var också accessibility (tillgänglighet) ett av de centrala fokusen under dagen. Vår alldeles egna Petrus Näslund levererade två insiktsfulla föreläsningar på ämnet, där han pratade om hur man implementerar tillgängliga dokument och vad man ska tänka på när man förbereder sig inför den nya lagen kallad ”European Accessibility Act” (EAA) som träder i kraft nästa år.

Vi vill rikta ett stort tack till alla deltagare för att de bidragit till framgången för detta evenemang. Det var en troligt berikande och inspirerande dag.

Unlock The Future: Master Digital Innovation for Business 2030

Unlock The Future: Master Digital Innovation for Business 2030

Unlock The Future: Master Digital Innovation for Business 2030

Doctricks is a sponsor to the OpenText Nordics Summit event that is taking place in Stockholm Wednesday 15 May, 2024. The event is about working smarter and becoming faster to unlock the future.

Tech’s Future

Dive into technology’s future. Interestingly, we’re now beyond the limits of place and time. Moreover, machines have taken the lead in generating information. This development, in turn, opens up new pathways for us to manage and utilize it.

Get Ready for 2030

Embark on a journey to work smarter and, simultaneously, prepare for the business landscape of 2030. Learn to blend information with automation. Consequently, this fusion introduces new digital methodologies, rules, and work practices.

Learn from Leaders

Engage with the inspiring narratives of experts and peers. As a result, you’ll gain actionable tips that can elevate your organization to new heights.

Connect with Others

Seize the opportunity to meet professionals who are navigating similar challenges. Additionally, this is the perfect setting to forge new friendships, exchange innovative ideas, and collaboratively find solutions, all in a face-to-face environment.

Gain Expert Advice

Finally, absorb the wisdom of local leaders and partners who are intimately familiar with the challenges you face daily. Thus, this represents an invaluable chance to grow and adapt in an ever-evolving business environment, equipping you for the future.


Register for the free event by clicking on the link below, the Doctricks team is looking forward to meeting you there!

Registration link

Event start








Happy Women’s Day! 

Happy Women’s Day! 

Happy Women’s Day! 

We on Doctricks want to thank you all for having followed us during this week when we talked about Women’s Day and equality in the tech industry on our site. Have you missed our recent posts? Please go to our blog and check them out! Feel free to share them as well.

We want to remind you of the importance of equality and urge you to keep working towards a more equal tech industry. Therefore, we would like you to take the opportunity to celebrate all women in your life today. Coworkers, friends, partners, mothers, sisters, daughters. They all deserve someone to recognize and celebrate them.

Doctricks Women’s Days – Sandrine

Doctricks Women’s Days – Sandrine

Doctricks Women’s Days – Sandrine

About Sandrine:
 My name is Sandrine, and I’m originally from France, living in Sweden since 2000. My journey into the tech world is somewhat unconventional. I studied mathematics in high school and pursued musicology and musician education in college, specializing in the harpsichord, viola da gamba, and baroque chamber music. Professionally, I transitioned from being a data analyst in the financial sector to the automotive industry, where I spent almost a decade managing customer relations. In 2017, I shifted my focus to the tech industry, became a certified SCRUM Master in 2018, graduated as a Frontend Developer in 2021, and as a UX Designer in 2022. I currently work with Doctricks as a project manager and SCRUM Master. Beyond my professional life, I enjoy spending time with my husband and our two sons, aged 19 and 21, gardening, and walking our two dogs.

What does equality mean to you, especially in your career?
Equality means recognizing everyone’s potential and ensuring fair opportunities for success, regardless of gender or background. It’s about valuing skills and achievements impartially. This belief has shaped my approach to leadership, focusing on merit and fostering an inclusive environment.

Have you faced any challenges in the tech industry as a woman?
While my journey has been largely positive, it hasn’t been without its challenges. There were moments when I had to work harder to prove my competence, overcome imposter syndrome and earn respect in spaces that felt predominantly male-oriented. However, these challenges taught me resilience and the importance of self-advocacy. Overcoming them has also reinforced my commitment to creating a supportive and bias-free workplace for my team.

How has being a woman influenced your approach as an IT project manager and SCRUM Master?
I believe that my background in music and my diverse experiences as a partner, parent, and team member have most enriched my leadership style, placing a strong emphasis on empathy, collaboration, and effective communication, more than my gender has. Similar to playing chamber music, I aim to harmonize diverse talents and perspectives to achieve our collective goals, fostering a creative and inclusive team dynamic.